Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Need help ASAP!!! cant intsall gapps and it seem there is no solution!!!

I just installed slim 6.0.1 on my Nexus 4. After trying to install the gapps I got error 70(Insufficient storage space available in System partition) and the instalation was canceled.
I rebooted the phone and saw there were installed only some basic apps with no use. So I tried to download from the AOSP browser a smaller gapp package, but
every time i hit the download button the browser crashed. Same thing happend with other downloads too.
SO I dont have any apps in my phone and I cant download any.

I need desperately some help ASAP!!!!

PS: cant sent files throu usb cause pc doesnt detect phone (propably brocken pins in phone's usb port)

from xda-developers

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