Wednesday, June 29, 2016

N6P MM6.0.1 Spontaneous Erasing Of ALL Bluetooth Connections


So I have not seen this one listed... I have been running into a VERY obnoxious intermittent Bluetooth issue. I'm very curious to know if anyone else has had this happen or is having this happen and if ANYONE has any sort of workaround/fix/thoughts/help! I posted this on my car forum as well since it only happens when connected to one of my cars:


I'm having a terrible issue with Bluetooth on my 2015 S85. I'm concurrently working on the Android side to also research.

The problem is with my Nexus 6P running Marshmallow 6.0.1. This is why I'm fearing it's a narrow issue, how many of you who have a Tesla also have a Nexus 6P?

1. Bluetooth connection is terrible between this car and my phone. The Bluetooth drops frequently and does not reconnect, or during a call it will just go silent even though it is connected. I am not pressing mute nor anything else to trigger this other than answer the call via the vehicle

2. The really bad problem I am experiencing is where somehow my phone is wiping ALL bluetooth connections when it connects to my vehicle (intermittently this is). This would be a minor inconvenience if I did not have existing bluetooth connections for various other devices, vehicles, watches, etc.

Has anyone else experienced these issues? Can anyone offer any sort of solution or work around/suggestion other than NOT connecting the phone to the Tesla? It is only with this car that my multiple connections get wiped.


from xda-developers

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