Thursday, June 30, 2016

adb raw protocol AUTH


as the title says, i have some trouble with the A_AUTH packet. I currently write my own implementation of the adb protocol for my AndroidCtrl.dll everything works so far as expected, only the token signing left...

Can someone kick me in the right direction, how i can successfully sign the A_AUTH token?

My tries [C# .Net 4 Client]

//Class internal var
RSACryptoServiceProvider _rsaSP = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(2048);

// (my own loader) Load the xml saved RSA-Key

// generate the signed hash
// (don't work)
byte[] shash = _rsaSP.SignData("20 byte token from A_AUTH", new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider()));

// generate the signed hash
// (don't work)
byte[] shash = _rsaSP.SignData("20 byte token from A_AUTH", new SHA256CryptoServiceProvider()));

I also tried it with "_rsaSP.SignHash()" but no luck... Seems .Net is not capable to sign a adb token... If i send my public key, on the device the adb dialog pops up and ask me to grand access. So the device have the public key. But it sends all the time a new token after i send my signed token...

THX in advance

from xda-developers

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