Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Help in patching my bootloader(lk.bin)

I have a Malata n501(KitKat) upgraded to Malata max4(lollipop),have tried to flash a ported custom recovery but all effort to boot into it has proven abortive.
I have found out that the problem is due to me having a locked bootloader,I have tried to unlock it using the command " fastboot OEM unlock" but when I am prompted to confirm the action on my phone's screen with my volume + button nothing happens and the dialog remains on it.
I found out here on xda that the problem is the volume button was not integrated in the bootloader so ii doesn't work when in fastboot mode. The solution was a window tool was created to automatically patch the lk.bin to disable the need for confirmation when using OEM unlock command,its just carries out the process.
Unfortunately it wasn't a universal tool it was made for a particular phone make,so I couldn't make use of it.
So here is my reason of making this thread:
Can anyone help me patch it(my bootloader) to disable the volume button need such as stated above??
Or create a tool to patch it,preferably for windows os.
Thanks for any help rendered in making me use a custom recovery on my locked bootloader

from xda-developers http://ift.tt/2bAXH3i

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