So, after the ota, my phone is taking way too long to charge. It takes nearly 8-10 hours to charge completely. Attached is the screenshot, where it says more than a day to charge. I have no idea what is wrong with it.
And funny thing is, it takes about 8 hours to lose full charge when phone is not in use. So, I have a phone that works only when connected, because it discharges instead of charging.
I had to throw away my old YU phone because of same issue. And now this one is doing it too. I have no idea why it is happening.
So, after the ota, my phone is taking way too long to charge. It takes nearly 8-10 hours to charge completely. Attached is the screenshot, where it says more than a day to charge. I have no idea what is wrong with it.
And funny thing is, it takes about 8 hours to lose full charge when phone is not in use. So, I have a phone that works only when connected, because it discharges instead of charging.
I had to throw away my old YU phone because of same issue. And now this one is doing it too. I have no idea why it is happening.
from xda-developers http://ift.tt/1qdsurn
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